Billy Solitario
BS187- White Sands and Emerald Waters, 48x36, oil on canvas
BS233- Still Life with Mangrove Snapper, 30x30, oil on canvas
BS234- Tall Palmettos in Low Country, 36x36, oil on canvas
BS235- Open Stone and Wedges, 20x20, oil on canvas
BS236- Fall Views on Horn Island, 12x12, oil on paper
BS237- Shore Birds Under Late Light, 10x8, oil on paper
*SOLD* BS238- Sky Study Horn Island, 12x9, oil on paper
BS239- Dune Life Study, 12x9, oil on paper
BS240- Oyster Cracking Claws, 48x36, oil on canvas
BS241- The Seashore, 48x48, oil on canvas
BS226- Light in the Lemon, 36x18, oil on canvas
Raised on the Mississippi Gulf Coast, Billy went on to attend the University of South Florida, where he received his B.F.A. in painting. He then went on to the New Orleans Academy of Fine Art, ultimately receiving his M.F.A. in painting from Tulane University in 2003. He has remained in New Orleans since, where he owns and operates his own studio and gallery on Magazine Street.