J. Allen Burrows

J. Allen Burrows graduated from Raleigh High School in 1976 after twelve years of drawing and doodling during classes. This is where his desire to create and detailed, distinct style began. While earning a degree in horticulture from Mississippi State University, he took several design, freehand, and watercolor classes to further explore his interests in the arts. Burrows continues to paint sporadically and is largely inspired by large, blank pieces of paper and overgrown, lush gardens. In addition, he is irresistibly drawn to unique paint names (e.g. Genuine Bloodstone, Phthalocyanine Green, Cadmium Lemon) and incorporates them within his works. Most paintings are sketched out completely with a .03 HB drafting pen and then intuitively filled with color like an adult coloring book.


Andrew Bucci


Lisa Busby